Notice and News



【予告】Amazon Pay決済サービス廃止のお知らせ

いつも小西のラタンをご利用いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。この度2025年1月6日(月)をもちまして、決済サービス「Amazon Pay」のお取り扱いを廃止することとなりました。2025年1月6日(月)以降は、Amazon Payがご利用いただけなくなります。ご利用のお客様にはご不便...

Summer Holiday Notice

Thank you very much for always using Konishi Rattan. Our online shopping operations will be closed for the summer from Saturday, August 10th to ...

Golden Week Holiday Notice

Thank you very much for always using Konishi Rattan. Our online shopping operations will be closed for the Golden Week holidays from Saturday, A...

Notice on the start of sales of 1kg B-grade red...

Thank you very much for always using Konishi Rattan. We have now started selling material that has been imported as regular red rattan, but which ...

[Notice] Regarding delivery of packages to some...

Due to the effects of the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred off the coast of the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture on the evening of Mo...

Notice of New Year's holiday closure

Thank you very much for always using Konishi Rattan. Online shopping will be closed for the New Year holidays from December 28, 2023 to January ...

Summer Holiday Notice

Thank you very much for always using Konishi Rattan. Our online shopping operations will be closed for the summer from Tuesday, August 8th to Thu...
